Love yourself


                                                My Body 

Am I not pretty enough Is my heart too broken Do I cry too much Am I too outspoken Don't I make you laugh Should I try it harder Why do you see right through me. (Kasey Chambers - not pretty enough)

Imagine looking in the mirror to se a ugly person, who no-one will ever love. This is what negative body image is doing to our modern society.   
Many times I have looked at my friends or other people and wished I was pretty like them. No matter how much I try those thoughts still seem to find away in my head. Several times I will look at some one wishing I was as skinny as them or had a softer face or most of all did not have legs the size of a house and a torso the size of a mouse. However every time those thought creep into my head, I just stop and think about how lucky and beautiful I am because beauty isn't all about the out side it's about the inside too and god made me this way. 

Now I don't want to shower you with quotes or passages like 'you are beautiful just the way you are' because lets be honest we have heard that too many times. Instead I am going to encourage you to be confident not just with your body image but your personality. And let me tell you it is not easy. My dad nicknamed me chameleon and it sounds cute but it has a deeper meaning. You see since I was little we have always moved around. It was always an adventure. Sure I had to learn about how to make new friends but it was always exciting. However, there was a down side I wanted to fit in so badly. Honestly it was kind of weird one week I would be hanging out with the sporty kids and known as the softball captain next I was a nobody soon I found my self in big trouble. 
We need to increase our confidence so we can be ourselves instead of being someone else, because we are amazing just as we are and no one and I mean no one should stop that. so I want you to try something every morning when you wake up look in the mirror and give yourself So every time you look in the mirror try giving yourself a compliment. It could start as small as, you look nice today. However by the end you will see the change. Soon every time you look in the mirror you won't think gee I am ugly, you will be saying you like pretty today, you can do it. 
